We strive to bring you the best

Hospital clothes

Manufacturer and supplier of all kinds of goods needed by hospitals and clinics

Being up-to-date and diverse in hospital clothing models

Bed clothes for children

Using the best type of fabric in hospital gowns
Using the best type of fabric

quality and
Customer satisfaction
Our goal

Using the best type of fabric in hospital gowns and all kinds of scrubs

Noavaran Negar Posh

Our store is a manufacturer and supplier of all kinds of hospital clothes that include

It is disposable clothing, fabric clothing, office uniforms and sleep goods

Administrative form

  • Administrative sweatshirts
  • Office uniform
  • Office suit

Hospital goods

  • double bed sheet
  • Plain sheet
  • hospital blanket
  • bedspread
  • Sean Perfore

Hospital clothing

  • Patient bedclothes Shakiba model
  • Gohar model patient bedclothes
  • Children's bedclothes Yalda model
  • Men's scrubs
  • Medical Gowns

Disposable clothing

  • MRI set (shirt, pants, hat)
  • Patient set (gun, hat, pants)
  • Gun surgeon
  • Gun is sick
  • Sean Perfore

Noavaran Negar Posh Company

Our company always tries to provide you with the best quality products in the shortest possible time
quality of products
The price is right
Timely delivery

Best-selling products

You can buy our products in bulk
Our products

Quality products of Noavaran Negar Posh

Navaran Negar Posh company has been working in this profession for almost several decades. Our products are produced by our own factories, and are provided without the intermediary of customer service. Our products are produced and distributed in the following categories

Disposable clothing

Production of high-quality disposable clothing in different models such as: Surgeons, patients, their types, MRI sets and…

Administrative form

Production of various administrative forms for hospital staff in different models, such as: Medical gown, formal suit, office coat and…

Hospital clothing

Production of all kinds of high-quality fabric bed linen for the patient, in different models for women, men, and children

Hospital goods

Production of all kinds of hospital sleep goods in different models, such as: types of sheets, rolls, blankets, pillowcases, bedspreads, etc.



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